We hate setting, forgetting, and resetting passwords too. That’s why we offer a password-free sign-in experience. To sign in, you can authenticate with Google, Microsoft, or via a secure link sent to your account email address.


  1. In a web browser, type in app.hiresuper.com.


  2. If your account email is powered by Google or Microsoft, you can simply authenticate with your email provider to sign in.

  3. Alternatively, you can also enter the email address you are registered with.

  4. Check that same email for a secure sign-in link. If the email does not appear in your inbox, please check your spam.

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  5. Click the “Sign in to Super” link in the email to be directed back to app.hiresuper.com. The app will automatically sign you in.

If this is your first time signing in to Super, it may take the system a few seconds to recognize you. Try refreshing your browser or giving it a few seconds to associate your account with the correct properties.


Still having issues signing in? Email us at [email protected] and we will look into it.